APOLOGIES to anyone who believed the recent report in these columns that stated the date of the Border Ice Rink Curling AGM as last week – such an event coming on the eve of the tup sale would almost be sacrilege, writes Alistair Lindsay.
However, this very night (Thursday) is the night of the AGM, and if all goes as it should, the first Welsh-born president will be duly installed – namely, Peter Bowyer, member of more than one club, ever-available to help out in whatever way he can and a worthy successor to Harry Dodds.
In the final resume on clubs, the focus is firstly on Roxburghe CC, now in its 48th year of existence.
By past standards, last season will hardly rank as vintage, but club numbers hold up well, with some likely juniors making their presences felt – Calum Potts, a third-generation player, is making his mark at high level.
A lady with an impeccable curling pedigree, namely Susan Macdonald, is now club president. As yet, her 2IC has not been nominated; Jane Smith is secretary, and Fiona Calder is in charge of finance.
Border Wheelchair CC has Tony Blake as president, with a vice yet to be nominated. Val Robertson’s ongoing secretarial competence keeps her in that administrative role, while the remarkable Jim Buchanan, amongst many other jobs, is retained at the club treasury. Val makes a point that the come-and-try day on Saturday, October 6, is open to wheelchair prospective curlers, along with everyone else.
The ice rink is in business from next week, namely Tuesday, September 25, so despite the times we live in, Border curling must keep going, with the reputation that has been built up over the years since September 1964.