SATURDAY: Romany Ramblers meet Wauchope Hall, Yetholm, 9am for a long walk in the Cheviots. Approx 10 miles. All welcome.
SUNDAY: Coldstream Ramblers walk, Tibby Tamsin’s Grave, Three Brethren, Peal Law, Linglie Hill. 9.5 miles. Shorter walk available. Meet Henderson Park car park, Coldstream, 9am or Corbylinn car park, Selkirk, (73:NT454288),10am. Please contact leaders Jack and Barbara Greer 01896 849768 if you wish to go.
SUNDAY: Walk on Lauder Common with Scottish Borders Council archaeology officer, exploring ancient burial mounds and settlements. Circular walk, about 7 miles, including part of Southern Upland way, Chester Hill, border of common, Brown Rig, Scarce Law. 11am-4pm. Meet under clock tower in Lauder. Bring waterproofs, boots, packed lunch. £5 (£3, children free.) Age 8+ Contact Susan Kevan, 01835 826750.
SUNDAY: Scottish Borders Hill Walking Club, Yarrowford (73)417300. Meet West Port car park, Selkirk. Information: Evelyn Horsburgh, 01750 76214.