BORDERS amateur wildlife photographer Rhona Anderson will help budding snappers at a wildlife photography workshop at Kailzie Gardens near Peebles on Sunday (December 2).
The course for beginners is part of the garden’s KLAWED project, which aims to encourage more people to enjoy the area’s wildlife, including increasing their engagement with local flora and fauna through film and photography.
Project officer Rachel McAleese said: “I think a lot of people would love to have a go at wildlife photography, but are scared it will be too expensive and technical.
“KLAWED seeks to make this more accessible and affordable for everyone, and our focus will be on photography and filming at the beginners’ level. It’s all about enjoying the wildlife.”
Sunday’s course will look at staging shots, composition, field craft and cheap ways to take better photographs, while the second course, Wildlife Photography for DSLR’s and Improvers, the following Saturday (December 8), led by award-winning semi-professional photographer Steve Sloane, will take a more technical approach.
For more information, contact Ms McAleese on 07792 033331 or email